miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Poem: How love feels

As a finally activity our teacher of literature (PROSE) propose us to write a poem chusing what about to write. We have two options: - What is love ?
                                                   - One of our love crushes
I choose te first one. Finally here i left the final draft of my poem.

How love feels

What is love?
Love is an incredible felling,
that one day is aliv,
 and the following day die

Love is when yo wait for a message from someone,
is when you want to be with someone,
is the language of fellings,
is being safe with someone.

Love is when you wait for someone to come online,
is when you think on someone all the time,
is being confortable with someone,
love is sweet.

1 comentario:

  1. Great work! Your poem is very expressive and sweet.
    There are some grammar and spelling mistakes you should have checked. Eg: the words feelings, alive, and the verb dies in the first stanza.

    8 (eight)
