martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

The Life of Pi

Created by Ang Lee, “The life of Pi”, the best adventure film in the word, is about an indian boy called
Piscine Molitor Patel ( Pi ) that have a zoo with his family. One day they had to travel with all the
animals of the zoo and his family to Canada to start their life again, but something happened.

While they were traveling to Canada in a huge ship with the animals in boxes, a great storm
began. Pi and his family where sleeping, when the storms started they wake up and saw all the
animals in the ocean. After some minutes Pi was also in the water but he found a small bout.
He saw all his family dying.The next day Pi realized he was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,
in  a small boat and with the only company of Richard Parker, a fierce tiger.

To conclude the film is very great to watch it with your family, it has the best graphics in the
cinema world. Also the voices are produced very well

Imagen relacionada

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018

Human Relationships and Social Medias

Nowadays human relations are intervened by social networks or social media. Human relationships
suffered due to social networks? How  this intervention will affect human relationships in the future?
this essay will deal with these issues.

Generally Speaking, all  human beings have a cell phone, a TV, a tablet, a computer or any other
device where humans can have relations through them. Sometimes these electronic devices where
people download apps to chat with other people have damaged human relationships.
Although, some relationship between humans through apps have a bad ending  because of
harassment cases or nudes cases , the 90% of the relationships have a good ending, in this century
is something common to start talking with a girl through whatsapp or snapchat and then met him
in a restaurant or a coffee.

In the future, human relationship will be affected by social media. How ? More hackers will appear,
some boys or girls because they use social networks to talk when they have to talk face to face they
will be shameful, also people are coming to become addicted so they will have less and less

To conclude, nowadays the percentage of the amount of relationships that are damaged by social
media is positive but i think that with the passing of the years these will be worst and worst.

Resultado de imagen para social medias

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

"On the way to school"

Here I live the video that show a debate about this quote, "Knowledge is only adquired at school",  and a presentation that includes some information about Morroco.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

Problemas Ambientales Urbanos

Después de leer y analizar un texto acerca de los problemas ambientales urbanos, en grupo realizamos una presentación donde se explican los temas analizados y leidos en el texto.